I must dash off now as my hugely riveting essay on streams of consciousness in Mrs. Dalloway needs some last-minute remedial work. Sorry peeps. I will post something more substantial soon, but in the meantime here are some pretty pictures taken by Tim Walker, one of my favourite photographers:

Ah, I feel like I've been transported to a beautiful fairytale... Until I look up, that is, and the harsh light of my desk lamp reminds me that I am very much sat within the confines of my cold, cramped student room with a mountain of Virginia Woolf criticism by my side that I really ought to be wading my way through.
(Incidentally, I'm pretty sure that the model in the last picture above goes to Cambridge. I could be imagining things, but I have my suspicions that I spotted her once or twice on my lecture site. Very exciting. And for that matter, Lily Cole (picture 5) most definitely DOES go to Cambridge and I have seen her with my very own eyes. Doubly exciting!)
Right, I WILL go now. Woolf's howling at me to get back to work (oh ha ha ha). A bientot, mes petits choux!
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